Saturday, August 31, 2013

Water Fast - Day 25

Hump day - day 25 and all is well, a bit tired. I am alternating my hourly drinking between water, 50/50 water and coconut water or a 50/50 coconut water and pear juice.

Loving doing coffee enemas more frequently, really does get it done. Guasha body washing is keeping my skin supple and sloughed off as I am not using any oil externally this go around and am having more fat expelled on a daily basis. Body is a bit saggy till my skin tightens up.
My feminine cycle has recalibrated by 11 days, coming in bang on the last full moon, 'God does not build temples from inferior material' the colour of my menstrual blood was so cherry red and clear and bright. 
Dream landscapes are getting out there once more and I wake up feeling exhausted from the nights activities. Spits and spurts of anger coming and going faster now which is nicer, everything that comes up is clearing quite fast.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Fast Update - Day 24

Day 4

Day 10

 Day 23

Day 49 

The schlera in my right eye has improved, the sharpness in the dots and colour around the iris had faded somewhat, the 6 O'clock in my right eye is not as dark, my photography needs improving but the last pair are quite good to use going forward.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 21 - Juices tomorow

Day 21 today - Last batch of leavening in the sun to be consumed before noon, also last day on goat milk, commencing juices of white fleshed foods tomorrow until day 40, following day 41-49 eating the flesh of those foods.
It has been pleasant having some food the past few days, I didn't stray from the original recipe as I felt it may get too rich and sickly when consumed in abundance. I went through 250gm (1/2lb) butter, around 5kgs of apples and 1/2kg of honey. The 7 days of goat milk, I consumed around 10 litres, wasn't hard to do and could have had more very easily.
I have stock of coconut water at the ready and will be juicing some pears, white nectarines and whatever I can get. Will be at Burleigh Markets in a week or so, gonna get some sugar cane juice in too.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Water Fast - For the record

My Body Analysis scales give me some info, interesting to track the changes:

                Weight Kg     Body Fat %     Vis.Fat %     Muscle %     RM     Body Age     BMI

Day 02 -      84.0               40.6                   7               24.8         1637          47           28.1

Day 11 -      79.9               39.5                   6               25.8         1588          45           26.7

Day 15 -      77.8               39.1                   6               24.8         1565          43           26.0
Day 19 -      79.0               38.6                   6               25.4         1580          44           26.4
Day 22 -      78.8               39.5                   6               24.7         1576          44           26.3
Day 25 -      78.5               38.7                   6               25.4         1573          44           26.2

Day 29 -      76.4               38.3                   6               25.2         1550          42           25.5

Water Fast - Day SIx

Should have taken the blue pill? NOT, with Day 5 done things are getting really trippy, my dream state for the last 2 nights is like the Simulation Program in the Matrix, defying the laws of physics and everything is so amped up 3D on Steroids. As for my waking state I am becoming Super Enhanced Wendy with my sense of smell being ridiculous since Day 2, my mood is calm and balanced and getting very philosophical, my intuition is gearing up a notch (book of remembrance?), who knows what is going down when the aperture of my consciousness is fully shut down!!

People and animals are already hovering around me, I need very little motivation as their is such a sense of service to the Temple present, I am so pleased with the fast so early in.

Water Fasting - The way forward to 2020

My mission should I choose to accept it is after this fast initiate the path toward being an Aquarian in 2020, then on to Breatharian, another 7 years. The plan is this year to juice one day a week, I have chosen the day of my birth being Friday (Sabbath day of rest for the body) and increasing this by one day each year as stated in MO.

Here is my map to 20/20 vision:

Each year commencing 2013 on the first new moon in February, a designated fast outlined in the MO. Lean on thy frame or fat upon the temple?, I considered a nominal benchmark of less than 20BMI, this is significant as it determines the duration one must do on water only.

2013 - White - 49 Days - Preparation Fast - fast of the washings
2014 - Red - 49 Days
2015 - Orange - 49 Days
2016 - Yellow - 49 Days
2017 - Blue/Indigo - 49 Days
2018 - Blue/Indigo - 49 Days
2019 - Green - 49 Days
2020 - (Violet) - being the blood of the vine, 49 days and to extend beyond up to seven times that until the body speaks "I am clean of the weakened blood of this generation", "Each temple shall know it's day, for it shall be signaled to you by the spirit of revelation and knowing."

"Fasting for 40 days each summer on different colours of living juices will heal each nerve centre that separates that particular colour from the cosmic light attracted by the body. Fasting on liquids such as raw milks, seed milks, fresh juices and water for one day each week for a year will adjust the body to a higher homoeostasis. Then increasing the fast to two days each week for a year will cause an even higher homoeostasis or body function" MO pg145-6

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Water Fast Daily Routine

Based on teachings and experience, I have prepared this list of daily tasks to facilitate the purification process:

Tongue scrape on rising - with Coconut Magic Coconut Oil
Salt Flush - 2tspns of salt in a litre of water to flush through the overnight cleansing
Dry Skin Brushing and Guasha skin scrub made from Vodka & Bicarb soda to open up the skin
Mild exercise - most likely T5T and walking
Sunbathing - about an hour
Breathing - 7 rounds of 7
Colonics daily

2 litres water for each 22kg bodyweight

To keep the water going in I drink every hour on the hour ish, I find this keeps things moving along and minimises nausea and headaches.

This is the first of eight fasts and is considered a preparation for the 7 fasts of the rainbow colours which will take until 2020 to complete.

Day 01 - Aug 01 - water until day 21
Day 15 - Aug 21 - I may have goats milk until Day 18
Day 19 - Aug 25 - A leavening may be had until noon on Day 21
Day 22 - Aug 28 - Juices of white fleshed fruits may be had until Day 40
Day 40 - Sep 15 - From sunset, flesh of white fruit and veg and raw dairy until Day 49
Day 49 - Sep 24 

I will consider what to do at this time but it will possibly to have pulse 21 days until October 17

Water Fast Day 4 - The eyes have it

So far so good, I am so cruising through the first 4 days which are usually the hardest.

For records sake I have put photos of both my eyes here, looks weird just want to compare at the end. Wiggly red snakes in my sclera on the right eye which is on the left, need to research more on what I can see here.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

And away we go.....Water fast Day 1

Liver cleanse is done - see photo - about 20 stones, happy with that since my last liver cleanse was in March, having done 40 days on water not surprised with the result here.

Day 1 on water, feeling OK. Colonic done, oil pulling and sunshine done. 
An old injury site flared up and has now backed off, thank goodness. 
Symptoms to note are numbness in my lady little finger, tick in my right eye and some winter weight to dispose of.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Here we go -Again

The more I get through Magnus Opus the more I want to set sail on a 7year mission to cleanse and purify, whoa definitely playing a bigger game, having one 40 day fast under my belt now I looking at a 49 day commencing 7th August and then yearly for the next 7years on water or juices of all the rainbow colours.
A couple of days to wind down the food, a liver gallbladder flush on the night of the new moon to kick off the bold program.