Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Water Fast - Day 21 - Colon Cleanse

I am so pleased to pass the half way point of this mammoth water fast adventure.
It has cruised along nicely and my discipline has hardly waivered, the worst being a missed drink here or there as I drink 1/2litre per hour.
Today I'm doing Don Tolman's 2 part one day oral colon cleanse to give the pipes a big scrub right through, colonics only clean out the large intestine.
Symptoms have abated somewhat with niggly residual burn off of past ailments.
I am having really vivid dreams in the short sleep I am getting, I get up at 1,2 & 4am at the moment to pee and usually no sleep after 4 as much as I will it to be otherwise, but I have this weird waking dream state which is interesting, my intuition is sharpening, my general mood is calm and energy is ok considering.
I oil pulled yesterday to clean the claggy filth in my mouth, I scrape my tongue twice a day.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Water Fast - Day 11

On the dawning of the 11th day of my suburban water fast I would like to point out the plus points of doing this at home. I have slept in my own comfy bead and had filtered water on tap, stayed at my casual admin job so the bucks keep coming.

I have been fortunate to have entered this phase from a fairly healthy standpoint with a vegetarian diet, about 80% raw and having regular colonics, don't forget Liver and Gallbladder cleansing now for 8 months, which has either reduced the toxic symptoms and/or allowed the process to go deeper faster because there is less crap to get rid of, I did do double colonics the first 2 days though to get through that.

Some other support tools I have at my disposal are
  • Reflexology Foot Massager, which I use daily because I can.
  • Ionising Foot Detox Bath, which I use weekly but may increase as I extend.
  • Chi Massager, I haven't started with but will assist with electrical flow and lymphatics.
I have a shower filter fitted which is alkaline and the piece de resistance is that I also can use the local hot artesian mineral springs which did help when I was in so much pain last week. More symptoms have arisen and passed, it has been a comfort to see them as I know the body is attending to matters. 

I am getting about an hour of good sun each day and my colour is coming up, I am using Coconut Magic Coconut Oil for the skin and I'm sure is helping to keep my energy up, that's been 3-4 days now despite being reluctant at the start because anything on the skin is penetrating into the system.

I am being very intuitive about the whole thing now as I am getting quite clear, my moods esp. anger have dissipated to a mild reverie and grace. I will do my usual New Moon Liver and Gallbladder Flush as scheduled but for the apple juice and will go for using hemp oil in the mix this time always with the aim to amp up the results.

I have been pretty pleased with the process to date and have been amusing myself with some deep philosophical texts which has been rather trippy and I am having some wild nights and almost crave dream state to see what adventures I'll go on.

My body definition is improving and my inner Bond Girl is coming out, I knew she was in there:)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Water Fast - Day 8

The last 3 days have been intense with pain an aches, really deep like none I've known before, but at sites where I have had issues therefore I am trusting the repair work is being done.
Early in fast I had intermittent hot and cold flushes but recently just very cold to the bone and hard to get warm.
My tongue is still saying do not eat as I have a thick claggy sometimes white sludge over it in the mornings.
I have not been so diligent with getting into the sun daily and this I am endeavouring to remedy.
10 days looks achievable now and I am exploring the likelihood of pushing through to 40.
All in all it has been a pretty good experience thus far, I am passing a yellow oily substance with the addition of an occasional dark green slime so I am happy with seeing this depart from my body.
My energy is at a level I am surprisingly happy with and only need to take short lye downs once or twice a day.
Although my preference would be to have done this closer to nature, the ease and convenience of doing it at home is the best I can manage right now.
Daily colonics are sorting out the expulsion of toxins, did 2 the first two days because of discomfort and nausea, got me through the swamp.
My daily protocol is a 1 litre water and salt flush on waking as this helps to eliminate the debris from the overnight activities, then 1/2 litre of water every hour on the hour ish during waking hours. I am finding colonics are better done earlier in the day and I am getting in 1/2-1 hr of morning sun dressed on the balcony and same in the early afternoon all but naked to maximise absorption.
I did not want to weigh myself before or during as this was not the primary purpose but recall a drop of 5 kilos on my previous 10 day fast, its just part of the process.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Water Fast - Day 6

From what I can remember of my last 10 day water fast, I had been going really well, even working on days 4,5 & 6.
The last day and overnight lots of aches and pains but at previous injury sites so it makes some sense.
Not a heap of nausea but some headaches but there is history there too, I am pushing through.