Something Sweet

Sweet As Honey
Written on the 30th of August 2012 by Don Tolman

Increasingly, people are choosing honey to replace sugar as a sweetener in their foods because they are realizing the damage, that particularly processed white sugar, can have on their health.

Honey is much sweeter than white sugar and is assimilated directly into the bloodstream very quickly.  

Honey contains more minerals and enzymes.
Raw honey has been used as medicine for centuries.  It works naturally to harmonize the liverneutralise toxins and relive pain. Its warming/cooling energy is neutral. Honey moistens dryness and treats dry or hoarse throat and dry cough.

Both raw and heated types of honey are useful for treating stomach ulcers, cancer sores high blood pressure and constipation and can be applied directly to burns.Honey’s sweet and toxic removal properties are used to break the cycle of alcoholism. Alcohol is a sugar. Snack on honey by the spoonful when more alcohol is craved during a hangover. Honey’s harmonising effect is also beneficial when a person is overworked, having menstrual problems or exhausted.

small amount of honey is normally adequate for those whose diet is primarily grains and vegetables. For most purposes, dilute one to three teaspoons of honey in warm water or mix with other food to reduce it's strong effect. Heat processed honey should not be used by people who have a build up of mucus. Raw, completely unprocessed, unheated honey is preferable because it has the ability to dry up mucus and is helpful for those with edema and too much weight.

Raw honey is not recommended for infants under 12 months.
Honey has strong probiotic properties. It also has sleep-inducing, sedative and tranquilizing properties.

The nutrients in honey are believed to assist in cancer, heart and other diseases in the same way that raw fruits do.  According to certain studies, dark colored honey, such as buckwheat honey is generally thought to contain higher levels of nutrients than the light coloured varieties.

Don Tolman International publishes the popular P.O.W.E.R. (Pearls of Wisdom, Enlightenment and Results) weekly eZine with over 10,000 subscribers from all over the globe.
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