Sunday, June 15, 2014

Post Fast Wrap Up: 08/06/2014

Broke my fast with OLG, juiced in my slow juicer made it thick like a nectar so I cut it by half with coconut water (see jar). I've had 2 days starting with that and afternoons on watermelon juice.
O - Orange x2
L - Lemon x1
G - Grapefruit x1/2
I got slammed within 1/2 hour of taking my first drink, I got full tilt after shocks of a serious illness I had 4 years ago and could very well be the reason I had to have this fast. I had very little prep going into this, it was more a medical emergency, which also contributed to my motivation. I had been experiencing various symptoms for a month or so, enough for me to do something about them.
The LI4 point on my right hand which I know as 'Chinese Panadol" was swollen and screaming sore indicating a blockage, I did a colonic later that day and boy was I jammed up, in hindsight and with more time I would be inclined to do an oral colon cleanse, salt flush and/or parasite purge to strip the mucosal lining and clear the colon as any remaining stool becomes a target in the body's search for water.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Day 8 - Breaking My First Dry Fast

As posted on FB today:

Day 8 - Decision made, I am coming of this morning which will be a 7 1/2 Day First Dry Fast for me. Thanks Gavin Robert McGowen for shining your light and everyone for travelling along with me. Feeling light and bright, there is still residual pain, I gave it a good crack and am very pleased with myself. Parasite Purge on Wednesday (Coconut Cures by Dr Bruce Fife pg 199) and 7 days on liquids is the plan going forward, oh and Fast Fridays (36hr dry fast) starting next week too, vroom vroom!

I have prepared my OLG (Orange, Lemon , Grapefruit - 2-1-1/2) to be juiced and I will get into it at 9am with coconut water chilled and ready to go as well. The letters work well too so I think of Our Living God that resides within us, my heart is so full of love at 3am, it has been epic and so worthwhile.

I came up with a good analogy last night while trying to take the fright out of my mother when explaining what's going on for me. In retort to her begging me to drink, I said "it's like a car wash, if there is a heap of white foam, you gotta stay in". Hence my decision, I have been waiting for my tongue to tell me to come out of this :), it has cleared somewhat and not so claggy but it was a car wash yesterday, all froth and bubble.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

My First Extended Dry fast

Here are my FB posts for Day 6 & 7:

Day 6 today, energy levels were coming up yesterday which was a good sign, I was fantasising about coconut water so much I could almost taste it, waiting for that first orgasmic drink Gavin Robert McGowen.
My motivation to continue is to shift some ugly pain that is jumping around my body, it's all old stuff which is also a good sign that some scar tissue and garbage is getting gobbled up. It is moving pretty fast and I am pretty blissed out and a bit drunk on it as my frequency must also be heading skywards.
I can feel the burn and use the imagery of all my cells becoming incinerators, the sensations and aliveness are confirming the process for me, this is way easier than the protocols I usually follow when water fasting and way way cheaper than juice fasting so diverting funds elsewhere is also a little reward for me too besides all the other gain from my perseverance.
I have decided to 36 hour weekly fast from 6pm Thursday to 6am Saturday which got me from hitting the juice last night so I am going another day at least on this epic first dry fast. Oh and I still have what I call 'Do Not Eat Tongue', that is a good indicator for me if it is still coated with thick white clag, I keep going as there is much going on still.

Day 7 and all's well, big pain day yesterday. Woke up with neck pain, then shoulder and back thru the day and ended on crazy mad hip pain at bedtime, what a testing time. Woke up this morning spitting blood! but suspect it is just some repair work getting done, I have had some recession in the gum and minor bleeds in the past.
What I most love about fasting is when I can drop the bs of my own control-freakdom and be the witness allowing the intelligence of the body do its thang, awe and amazement ensue. I am so grateful I get to see my strength and courage, in trusting the process and having the belief I will live through it, I feel like I've cracked another level in the cosmic video game earning more awareness and expanded consciousness.
Some of my research yesterday bought me back around to parasites, Anna recommends a parasite cleanse before an extended dry fast as a prep and again when you are done. Some of the discomfort and craving comes from your critters on board and I suspect from some die off as well. I have a great natural recipe for a parasite purge using coconut, prunes and cloves which I will probably get done after 7 or so days on liquids.
I have fruit at the ready for an impending breaking of this fast, Anna's recipe is as follows: 2 Oranges, 1 Lemon, 1/2 Grapefruit with or without water, this is to clean the lymph, I'm feeling to add some coconut water to take the edge off the citrus.
I will mention too that I have come to trust my heightened intuition as I move through a fast when making decisions about continuing, how and what I feel is right/wrong in method and it is such a wonder when the Google fairy just drops the right stuff in ya face when ya need it!!

TOO FUNNY, I had to do a follow up visit with a doctor yesterday on the crazy, kick my butt pain that got me into this and she scorned me for not staying plugged into the system for 2 years and ordered me to do full blood work noting it was a fasting test and I would have to wait 4 days until after the holiday weekend to get it done. Thunder/Lightning!! light bulb moment if ever I've had one, I had been fasting for 6 days so I went straight into Pathology and she nearly kicked me out because she said it was a fasting test, Yep I've been fasting I said at 3pm, in disbelief she checked with me again and I said "is 6 days enough?" Well blah blah blah you know she lost the plot and gave the worst blood uptake, digging around trying to get the vein, I think I popped her circuit breaker!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Dry Fasting - the next adventure

I am currently dry fasting, in the middle of my 3rd day today. It is a whole new ball game but not so far from my previous fasting experiences. My smell and hearing was so enhanced at the end of the first day. I have had buzzing of frequencies in my ears and filling the room that I am in.

I entered into this as I was feeling a lot of pain in my body and despite my current distant healing from John of God and taking the Passiflora herbs to remain in contact with the entities, the pain was speaking so loudly that something had to be done.

I do get a sense of being kicked in the pants to do something far and away from where I see one of my passions - food. If this is some test, it is that I can go without to deliver an outcome. I am not a fan of pain and have had my fair share and become all too familiar with it.

So the first 2 days was a 'soft' dry fast where you still shower and have external water to hydrate the body, I have decided to extend the originally planned 2 day dry fast with a 'hard' dry fast to completion any where from day 3 to day 11 depending on how I feel.

I have not had a release of energy but am resting intensely and have a whole body tingling, elevated heat in the body and minor headaches but nothing overwhelming and nothing scary to me. I am also looking to experience an African plant medicine in the not too distant future and to be cleaner internally can only be a good thing. 

I have inserted here the text that had me over the line to extend the fast:

1 day dry fast = 3 days water fast  = 6 days juice fast  

In a dry fast, the body does not eliminate toxins in the same manner as it does during a water fast. Instead of removing toxins through the normal channels of elimination, skin, liver, kidneys, urine, and bowels, it actually turns each cell into a tiny incinerator and burns the toxins up inside of the cell. 

This was exciting to get the job done faster, so I've set about to do up to 11 days, 1 day at a time just to see what happens. This should surely get me closer to acquiring the breatharian state I am aiming for.

While I am doing this, I am planning the exit strategy, the most important part of any fast is integrating back to whatever lifestyle you choose to maintain. I have found out that Victoria Boutenko did 9 days in the Ukraine and will be considering a weekly 36hour dry fast from 6pm Thursday to 6am Saturday, Friday being my 'Sabbath Day' (the day of the week I was born on) feels good.

Anna Yakuba that runs dry fasting retreats in the Ukraine recommends the following juice to break a dry fast, 

2 oranges, 1 lemon, 1/2 a grapefruit (with or without water added) - drink this after every dry fast - Clean lymph is the point of dry fasting. That citrus juice combo, after dry fasting helps to get your lymph as clean as possible. One dry fast day equals three water fasting day. After five days it grows so it's one day equals 5 or 6 days of water fasting.

Annas Video is in a separate post translated to English by Sergei Boutenko

Lecture by Anna Yakuba about dry fasting