Sole Water

Benefits of using the Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole (So-lay)

The mixture of water and crystal salt, called “sole” (so-lay), is the primordial soup of life, and the most flexible physical representation of pure solar and light energy. When water and this salt come together they create this new dimension, Sole. In German, the word sole, which is derived from the Latin word “sol”, which means sun. Sole is nothing but the fluid materialization of sunlight. When water combines with salt, the positive ions of the salt surround the negative ions of the water molecules and the negative ions of the salt surround the positive ions of the water molecules. The ions become hydrolyzed. In this process the geometrical structure of the salt and the water is changed and a totally new structure is formed, a third dimension. Water is no longer water and salt is not salt anymore. The crystalline structure of the sole is so profound that its vibration pattern lasts over 24 hours in our bodies.
The Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole (So-lay) solution supplies the body with the natural energy stored in the salt crystals and the body can hold this energy for up to 24 hours. Using the Sole you can:
  • can harmonize the alkaline/acidity
  • balance in the body and normalize blood pressure
  •  can dissolve and eliminate sediments which lead to stones and various forms of rheumatism like arthritis and kidney and gall bladder stones
  •  can lower the craving for addictive desires
  •  can help with skin diseases by cleaning from inside out
How to balance the Body’s pH Factor and Get Rid of Heavy Metals
The sole is an excellent product for balancing the pH factor of your body. With the sole, one can also get rid of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, amalgam and calcium because the crystal salt is able to break up their molecular structures. Treat your body to a sole therapy in order to get rid of the calcium build up and the heavy metal deposits. For the body to get rid of these deposits it has to first metabolize them. Even animal proteins, which are difficult to break down and eliminate, will be eliminated through the urine due to the strong structural formation of the crystal salt. With the sole, you can have exactly that vibration pattern that the body is lacking when it is sick. But again, the quality of the salt is paramount for quality sole.
When to use it:
Every morning, take one teaspoon of sole mixed in a glass of good quality artesian or spring water. Drink this on an empty stomach before taking breakfast. The amount of water is up to you, but you only need one teaspoon of sole for your daily intake. The regularity is important. From a bio-chemical viewpoint, within minutes, the whole stomach and intestines are being stimulated. And this again stimulates the digestion and metabolism. The overall availability of electrolytes is built up and thus the conductivity in the body is increased, which in turn affects the circulation. The salt allows the current to flow once again.
Preparing the Sole:
Step 1
Everyone knows that salt dissolves in water, right? But did you know that if you keep adding salt to a glass of water you’ll get to a point where the water becomes super-salty or saturated with salt? Did you also know that when the water becomes super-salty or saturated with salt that the salt will just sit on the bottom of the glass without dissolving? This is exactly what the Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole is, super- saturated, salty water. Here’s how to make it.
Place 25mm of Himalayan Crystal Salt stones in a glass jar, preferably one with a lid, Add 50-75mm of good quality artesian or spring water above the stones, completely covering the crystals with water. Let sit overnight.
Step 2
If all the salt crystals have dissolved, add a few more salt crystals to the water. Your Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole is ready when the water becomes fully saturated with salt and cannot hold any more. The salt will no longer dissolve at this stage. There should always be salt crystals in the jar. As you use up the Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole, after some time, add more water and more salt until the water is again saturated. Remember, there should always be undissolved salt crystals on the bottom of the jar. This is your visual proof that the water is totally saturated with salt.
Step 3
Each morning, before eating or drinking anything, add one teaspoon of the Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole to a glass of artesian or spring water and drink. Your body will receive the energetic vibration pattern of the Himalayan Crystal Salt and hold it for 24 hours. Keep the container covered to prevent the water from evaporating. Otherwise, no special storage is needed. The fully saturated Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole will keep forever! Salt is a natural anti-bacterial and natural fungicide. It simply cannot spoil or go bad.

The 13 Amazing Health Benefits

Himalayan Crystal Salt, the Purest Salt on Earth
(and Why You Want to Avoid Conventional Salt Like the Plague)
Salt is essential for life – you cannot live without it. However, most people simply don’t realize that there are enormous differences between the standard, refined table and cooking salt most of you are accustomed to using and healthy natural salt.

These differences can have a major impact on your staying healthy, or increasing your risk of diseases you want to avoid.
Your table salt is actually 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as moisture absorbents, and iodine. Dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, the excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt causing the potential for a myriad of health problems in your body.
If you want your body to function properly, you need holistic salt complete with all-natural elements. Today’s common table salt is poison that has nothing in common with natural salt.
Most common table salt is made up of chemicals that pollute your body and wreak havoc on your health. Pure Himalayan Crystal Salt contains no toxins and all 84 minerals and elements necessary for your optimal health!

This Salt Is Over 250 Million Years Old

This is by far the purest salt available on earth and is absolutely uncontaminated with any toxins or pollutants.
This salt from the Himalayas is known as “white gold” because it contains eons of stored sunlight. Together with pure spring water, Himalayan Crystal Salt offers all the natural elements exactly identical to the elements in your body – the very same elements originally found existing in the “primal sea.”
When you use pure Himalayan Crystal Salt, you receive 250,000,000 years of accumulated sunlight and energy, plus all the natural minerals your body needs for restoring balance and life force.

Containing all of the 84 elements found in your body, the benefits of natural Himalayan Crystal Salt include:

  1. Regulating the water content throughout your body.
  2. Balancing excess acidity from your cells, particularly your brain cells.
  3. Balancing your blood sugar levels and helping to reduce your aging rate.
  4. Assisting in the generation of hydroelectric energy in cells in your body.
  5. Absorption of food particles through your intestinal tract.
  6. Help in clearing mucus plugs and phlegm from your lungs – particularly useful in asthma and cystic fibrosis.
  7. Acts as a strong natural antihistamine and helps clear up congestion in your sinuses
  8. Prevention of muscle cramps.
  9. Making the structure of your bones firm – osteoporosis can occur when your body needs more salt and takes it from your bones.
  10. Regulating your sleep – it is a natural hypnotic.
  11. Maintaining your libido.
  12. Preventing varicose veins and spider veins on your legs and thighs.
  13. Stabilizing irregular heartbeats – in conjunction with water it is actually essential for the regulation of your blood pressure

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