Sunday, June 15, 2014

Post Fast Wrap Up: 08/06/2014

Broke my fast with OLG, juiced in my slow juicer made it thick like a nectar so I cut it by half with coconut water (see jar). I've had 2 days starting with that and afternoons on watermelon juice.
O - Orange x2
L - Lemon x1
G - Grapefruit x1/2
I got slammed within 1/2 hour of taking my first drink, I got full tilt after shocks of a serious illness I had 4 years ago and could very well be the reason I had to have this fast. I had very little prep going into this, it was more a medical emergency, which also contributed to my motivation. I had been experiencing various symptoms for a month or so, enough for me to do something about them.
The LI4 point on my right hand which I know as 'Chinese Panadol" was swollen and screaming sore indicating a blockage, I did a colonic later that day and boy was I jammed up, in hindsight and with more time I would be inclined to do an oral colon cleanse, salt flush and/or parasite purge to strip the mucosal lining and clear the colon as any remaining stool becomes a target in the body's search for water.