Hump day - day 25 and all is well, a bit tired. I am alternating my hourly drinking between water, 50/50 water and coconut water or a 50/50 coconut water and pear juice.
Loving doing coffee enemas more frequently, really does get it done. Guasha body washing is keeping my skin supple and sloughed off as I am not using any oil externally this go around and am having more fat expelled on a daily basis. Body is a bit saggy till my skin tightens up.
My feminine cycle has recalibrated by 11 days, coming in bang on the last full moon, 'God does not build temples from inferior material' the colour of my menstrual blood was so cherry red and clear and bright.
Dream landscapes are getting out there once more and I wake up feeling exhausted from the nights activities. Spits and spurts of anger coming and going faster now which is nicer, everything that comes up is clearing quite fast.