I have been reading Magnus Opus by Don Tolman in which he notes visions and automatic writings from a 40 day fast he did.
I have taken so much from it and only half way through, I am contemplating my next water fast commencing on the first new moon in August, water for 28 days then remaining time on the juice of fruits only with red colored flesh, corresponding to the base chakra.
My diet since the end of the last fast has not been ideal, stress levels are high and I still eat to ease the pain or numb myself or the other story i tell myself is that food is one of the few pleasures I have and I have had to practice forgiveness for less than optimal maintenance of my weight loss and energy levels.
I have to gather up the courage to embark on the next stage of cleansing the body temple as it states in the book to purify the flesh that it may hold and reflect more light, radiating a glow that only those who partake in such labours are privileged to do so.